Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trying something new never hurt anyone.

So I have officially become a vegetarian and these are my reasons why...

First of all I just wanted to say that my decision to become a vegetarian was not influenced by anyone or anything, also I am not doing it for anyones benefit but my own.

Reason #1
I recently had a conversation with a friend who has been a vegetarian for 10 years and was also a vegan for part of the 10. I was curious to his reason for becoming a vegetarian and I found it actually quite simple. Basically he stopped eating fast food, then he stopped eating red meat and then he stopped eating meat in general. After pondering over what he said I came up with the conclusion that I too could be a vegetarian. That is because I have already completed two of the three things he done when he first became a vegetarian. Those are; I stopped eating fast food ever since I saw the movie "Super Size Me", so what was that three or four years ago?, well anyways I also found that I was disinterested in red meats, primarily because I did not eat it quite as often as I ate chicken or pork. So the transition from my old carnivorous ways, to being what I like to call "new born vegetarian" was really quite easy. Plus I LOVE vegetables.

Reason #2

The first time I thought about being a vegetarian was when I was in my nutrition class (at a high school that I don't have to name because it is irrelevant to this blog), I learned all about the different types of vegetarians their are and what differentiates them. I also learned that being a vegetarian is a great dietary choice if you were looking to eat healthier. I found this very convenient sense I have been looking for a safe diet that doesn't involve eating nothing but cayenne peppers, lemonade, and honey for 2 weeks (I find these types of diets stupid and I don't care if you can loose 20lbs in 2 weeks, its just not healthy or safe!) or those no carb diets that don't do anything but drain you of your need for energy. Which anyone who has taken a nutrition class would know that carbs are essential for a healthy living because and I quote " We need carbohydrates to fuel our bodies for energy and to feed our brain, which uses glucose (a simple form of sugar) as its primary energy source."-
So you tell me would you like to go on a no carb diet and become mentally unright? Really. Well I am sure that I don't.

Reason #3

My last reason is because I have decided that this year is the new Delia year (and yes I did get the idea from The Office, but most of you probably didn't know that, which is fine I'm not mad that you have never heard of my favorite show "The Office"). That means trying new foods, going to college (which I am currently), turn 18 (which I did June 20th of this year), have my first boyfriend (which again I did for reason #3, and by the way it was a major fail whale. Damn Man Whores. Anyway...), have my first job (my first day at my job is this Friday, which would be 9/12/08, at a bingo hall), and whatever else I can think of. Hint Hint. Becoming a vegetarian.

Those are my reasons why I have become a vegetarian. On a side note I have been a vegetarian since Sep. 6th and I have already gotten flak from some of my friends and family for becoming a non-meat eater. Mostly my friends pick on me, but some family members are concerned that I wont be able to be healthy if I do this, which I find kind of ironic sense my reasons for doing it are to be healthier. So I promise that I will eat all the proper protein filled foods that will give me the same benefits that meat does.