Saturday, July 11, 2009

My apology to the geek community.

Just finished watching one of the most amazing SciFi movies I have ever seen. The movie that I am praising is none other than Serenity, the movie that proceeded the highly praised, but short lived television show Firefly. I feel so lame that I'm late to the Serenity/Firefly party. I know I've been told by many fellow geeks that I NEED to watch Firefly, but I was so preoccupied with Doctor Who that I wouldn't open my eyes or mind to the awesomeness that is Serenity/Firefly. I want to make a public apology to the geek community for doubting you, if I ever doubt you again I give you the right to slap me senseless until I come to my senses. Seriously Kaitlin, senseless.

Serenity has dramastically change my movie going life. Its safe to say that Serenity is in my 'top ten films of all time' list; some might say I'm wrong, but I don't care, because this movie changed my life for the better.

Thank-you Joss Wheadon, thank-you from the bottom of my geeky heart.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lymelife the Movie

I saw the movie Lymelife today at Landmark theatre in Royal Oak, and I would have to say it was a pretty decent movie. Lymelife is the story about two families whose lives intertwine with each other, when the husband of Cynthia Nixon (Melissa Bragg) gets Lyme disease the families start to fall apart and there isn’t much anyone can do about it.

On a side note Alec Baldwin gave a strong performance as the father to Scott Bartlett who is played by Rory Culkin in the movie, and Timothy Hutton did a great job playing a sick and deranged husband to Melissa Bragg, who became ill, because of a deer tick. This movie is not a must see in theatres, but I would definitely check it out when it comes out on DVD.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Enders Game the movie

I think this is a brilliant idea. Zack Snyder should direct the adaption of the sci-fi novel "Enders Game"!